My Nutrition Philosophy

I believe in finding joy in the path toward health. My preference is to work as a coach, as a supporter and as a partner in your health, taking the time to learn about your preferences, your struggles, your goals, and your unique concept of health before working with you to establish a plan. Making any lasting lifestyle change takes time and needs to fit YOUR individual needs. While some rare, highly-motivated people may be able to see a dietitian once or twice and achieve success, my experience has shown me that most clients have better success working with me over the course of 3-6 months.

I operate within a queer-positive, trans-positive, body-positive and anti-colonial structure.

What does that mean?

Well, it means I’m here to talk about food and nutrition, without judgment, shame, assumption or bias.

It means I’m here to support and advocate for queer and trans people who need understanding, non-biased health and wellness allies.

It means I define health however YOU define health: not just numbers on a scale, but energy, joy in eating and cooking, or prevention and management of disease.

It means I believe in nourishing our incredible bodies and showing ourselves reverence and respect through the foods we eat.

It means I acknowledge that weight bias is still rampant within all medical professions, despite the harm it has caused to countless people.

It means that I work within the frameworks of any and all traditional cuisines or dietary patterns, not just Western ones, and recognize the inherent wisdom in traditional diets of people worldwide, developed over millennia and in harmony with surrounding lands.

It means I recognize that much of the basic nutrition knowledge we have today was obtained through unethical and abusive nutrition experiments on Indigenous children in Canadian residential schools in the 1940s and 1950s. Dietitians now must face this dark part of our history as a profession and work with humility at reconciliation.

And, it means I’m always learning about how to serve my clients better.